Italy by AANP

Italian Food

Food is very important to Italians. It is like an art, and Italians sometimes cook for fun. Italy is a place of many great foods and chefs. Some of the foods and drinks that they have are some that we have in America like Coke and Pepsi products, chicken, pizza, vegetables, and salad. There are some foods that we have in America that Italians make, but they add something new to it to make it original. One thing that Italians are famous for is pasta. Italians make all kinds of pasta. They also like spaghetti, ravioli, and meatballs. Italians also have a great way of adding new things to old recipes so that they don’t have too much of one thing and get tired of it. Italy has given America many great foods and recipes, and they make some of the most world-renowned foods and continue to do what they do best.
